Sunday, October 31, 2004

One Excessively Warm Hat

Since I live in Boston, now, an excessively warm hat seemed appropriate.

Step 01: Purchase roving from 'unidentified sheep' somewhere in Montana. (Note, actual purchase made from owner of sheep.)
Step 02: Spin roving into medium-thick yarn of a natural white (rather a creamy shade).
Step 03: Spin other roving into slightly thicker yarn of a natural brown.
Step 04: Move to Boston.
Step 05: Begin law school.
Step 06: On a Friday, desperately need to be doing something other than studying for a couple hours. Cast on approx. 16 inches worth of stitches in the "natural white" and join on circular needles, while watching "Tomb Raider".
Step 07: Knit for 1.5-ish inches worth in 2x2 ribbing. (That's knit 2, purl 2 ribbing.)
Step 08: Switch to stockinette, and knit a simple diamond pattern in the brown on white, for a longer while than thought necessary.
Step 09: Frown at work thus far and speculate it is, in fact, too small for one's head. Plus, it's too long. Proceed undaunted.
Step 10: Switch to just the brown and begin knitting and decreasing for a couple rows.
Step 11: Switch to the white and knit/decrease a couple rows.
Step 12: Repeat for another set of brown and white rows, then, in white, start decreasing the hell out of everything until 12 or so stitches left, upon which point run yarn through remaining stitches and pull to tighten. (Switching to double-pointed needles will be required at some point.)
Step 13: Weave in ends, block, and be pleasantly surprised: hat may actually fit!

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