Sunday, January 20, 2002

Writer's Block

I've been inattentively picking at XML, which really means I've been doing some XHTML stuff on my site and that's about all. But, yesterday, just when I get an actual real idea for something to do in XML and start working on it [*], my more general case of writer's block frees up.

[*] nothing snazzy, just a little web based 'email' thing, like the world actually needs another one of those, but that's not the point, the POINT is for me to get practice at XML and stylesheets.

What all this boils down to is I had a cool idea Saturday night for a story, and rolled out of bed to jot down the high points. I'm totally thrilled today to be blocking out the framework for my little XML+Perl app, and then toggling over to my story "notes" and fleshing out the framework for that. Ah, unix/linux, my friends, where people driven to actually do more than one thing at once like to park.

I'm only online right now to download a couple more browsers for linux so I can see XML being rendered via CSS.

I love being a geek who writes, I really, really do. It's just so cool.

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