Saturday, August 05, 2006

Global Warming and Non-Helpful Mutations

If you've never thought about it, take a moment and reflect on the fact that the reason strictly-white-bread colored people exist is b/c a low-melanin mutation was non-harmful, and even beneficial, in Western and Northern Europe.

Still with me? That was a lot, compressed. Evolution, race, and geography. (Even some bits on Intelligent Design, if you're interested.)

But, really, it never occurred to you to ask why low-melanin slobs like me never evolved in sub-saharan Africa?

Now, what about a warming globe, with the potential for higher and higher rates of skin cancer?

That mutation's maybe not so beneficial anymore, is it?

So here's my message to all the white supremacists out there: time to do something about emissions, bucko, before skin cancer gets you. 'Cause you can only slather on so much SPF 3000.

Just a thought.

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