Sunday, August 29, 2004

President Does It Again

Bush Hails His Actions On Intelligence

There goes Bush, again, signing executive orders when no one is paying attention.

Of course, now that I'm peeved he's sliding stuff past the media (again), I'd like to draw something *else* out, to wit:

"All of them [the orders Bush signed -- sid] are essential to America's security as we wage the war on terror," Bush, speaking in his weekly radio address, said of the orders.

War. On. Terror.

War on fear. War on despair. War on horror.

Not war on al-Qaeda, or some group of people, or a country. Not even war on a system or ideology, or illness (war on poverty, war on racism, polio). But terror.

Fear. War. On fear.

Does this make any sense, anywhere, to anyone?

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