Wednesday, July 02, 2003

Being the Bully

And refusing to abide by the same rules we want everyone else to follow. I just can't get behind these constant, deliberate assaults on the US's standing in the international community. By the US.

Do we not all live on the same planet? Do we not all care about our air and our food? Do natural disasters not cross national boundaries? How on earth can the richest and most technologically advanced nation ever justify acting as if we are NOT becoming more globalized every day, with every company that does business, every nonprofit health organization flying in supplies, every worker sending home part of their salary, in Zimbabwe or India or Vietnam -- we bind ourselves tighter together into a global community every day.

How can the Bush Administration justify antagonizing and bullying our neighbors?

No matter how much they want to, you cannot turn back time and go back to the age of robber barons and the American West. When the frontier was wide open, fortunes could be made without regard for others, and the poor/serfs/foreigners knew their place. Fuck that.

US cuts aid to Caricom six
U.S. punishes foes in fight over world criminal court
US Hypocrisy Astounding

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