Monday, March 17, 2003

Plotting Vile Things to Imaginary People

So, I finally got some more work done on the novel, and I think I'm officially over the halfway-done 'hump'.

All because the ex-wife of my main character (who I never expected to see -- the ex-wife, not the main character) just walked into his office the morning after he had the shit beaten out of him by Evil Minions -- though it's unclear whose -- plopped down, and announced "I'm pregnant".

What? Lady, you weren't even supposed to be a Plot Point™. You were supposed to be Depressing Background for Our Alcoholic Hero to Brood Over.

But that's OK, because now C is tied closer to A, and B is tied closer to A, which means more to write, and hopefully more to be interesting, and oh, boy, I really need a whiteboard upon which to draw all this out.

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