Wednesday, March 05, 2003

Libraries Under Siege

(that fact alone is not exactly news)

Foes lock horns in Web filtering case

"If the Supreme Court rules that libraries must provide access to all materials, then our libraries will become nothing more than glorified government-funded adult bookstores. We support libraries with tax dollars because they provide valuable information and education materials. If libraries aren't allowed to protect kids, we have to question if we should use tax dollars to support them." Congressman Ernest Istook (R-OK)

This is an outright lie.

How does freedom to access all information translate to ONLY porn, 24 hours a day? In fact, the opposite is true. When you censor, you restrict content. You make the set smaller than it is naturally. As long as there is non-porn information out there, and there is, then unrestricted access ensures your ability to get to it. Because it isn't accidentally blocked by inaccurate software, or banned by someone who thinks "James and the Giant Peach" must be a dirty book because peaches make them think of their wife's ass.

The only way to keep providing valuable information and educational material is by being able to acess it freely.

In addition, libraries are not for children, per se. Libraries are information repositories. Libraries are for everyone.

You may note many libraries have children's areas -- areas with content and activities oriented around children's needs and for their use. Is the whole library a children's area? No. Is the Library of Congress only for people under the age of 12? No.

A library is

A place in which literary and artistic materials, such as books, periodicals, newspapers, pamphlets, prints, records, and tapes, are kept for reading, reference, or lending.

A collection of such materials, especially when systematically arranged.

An institution or foundation maintaining such a collection.

Where does it say, for children only?

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