Thursday, January 02, 2003

Insert Severe Eye-Rolling Here

Pakistani Jeweler's photo distributed by US's FBI.

'Cept, the poor guy's never been to the US. He tried to get into Britain using falisified papers, the photo from which may have been used by the person really being sought, under a different name.

Pres. Bush's response?
"Kind of curious to know why he needs a false passport," Bush told reporters during a tour of his Crawford, Texas ranch Thursday. "We like things above board here in America."
"We need to follow up on forged passports and people trying to come into our country illegally," Bush said.

That's lovely, except this fellow was going to Britain, not the US, and courtesy of this whole Revolution thing a bunch of colonies staged around the late 1700's after feeling their rights as subjects of the Crown weren't being recognized, which resulted in their ceasing to be subjects of said Crown, the US is not part of Britain. (Yes, I heard your sigh of relief from here.)

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